The System of Dr. Goudron (2001)*

Freely based on André de Lorde and a story by Edgar Allen Poe.

Dr. Goudron: "My system... I am very flattered.... extremely flattered that you are interested in my work which is very dear to me and to which I have dedicated my life... The system, which you have heard of - and which caused me much trouble... is in fact my invention. My system..."

Two journalists get a once in a lifetime opportunity to visit a special psychiatric clinic as well as the chance to interview the famous director renowned for a new therapeutic system. However, everything turned out contrary to what the journalists were expecting...

"Theater Sycorax captured the audience by playing a confusing game with normality and craziness, which was attained assured by the convincing performance done by the actors."

(Westfälische Nachrichten)

Length: 30 min.

Johannes Bayer
Ludgera Blomberg
Stefan Brüffer
Jutta Nahamowitz
Annerose Schäfer
Konrad Schönberger
Gerd Sowa
Guido Terbaum

Direction: Manfred Kerklau, Stony Assmann
Costume: Rita Marzinkowski
Facilities: Hans Salomon
Lighting: Bastian Otto

This project has been sponsored by: Kulturamt der Stadt Münster, Theater im Pumpenhaus, Stiftung Siverdes, Volkshochschule Münster, Förderkreis Sozialpsychiatrie, Fördermitglieder von Sycorax e.V.


(Photos: Ralf Emmerich)